
IATI Spring 2013, Blogs

VIZ Cleveland, Trisha Anne http://taclevviza689spring2013.wordpress.com/ Ford, April Elizabeth http://viza689april.blogspot.com/ Hervey, Catherine Irene http://www.catherinehervey.com/?cat=23 Linder, Rhema Promise http://infovisu.com/blog Jenks, Morgan http://www.morganjenks.com/iati-lab/ Becker, Kaitlyn Cheri http://scintillatewit.wordpress.com/ Burch, Federico http://performance-technology-bl.posterous.com/ Lessard, Cynthia M http://cindylvist489.wordpress.com/ Storey, Thomas Russell http://thomasrussellstorey.wordpress.com/ Dance Anna Arredondo http://tamuspring2013.blogspot.com/ Kathy Quigley http://kquig.tumblr.com/ Jessica Feist http://jfeist100.tumblr.com/ Megan Torrance Shipman http://meganshipman2.tumblr.com/ Andrea Alvarez http://aalvareze.tumblr.com/ Sarah Moudy http://tamudancetech.blogspot.com/?m=1 […]

Laban Exercise

Interactive Performance and Technology, Spring 2013 Week 2, January 16, 2013 READ261B, Texas A&M University  Instructors: Christine Bergeron and Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo  


Satellites by Katherine Farley, Kevan Loney, Thomas Storey The Road to Recovery by Xiao Li (Kevin) and Ivan Currey PathWave by Federico Burch, John Moody, Parker Anigian Beeping Willow by Kaitlyn Becker, Erica Malone DeFEET the Fish by Cindy Lessar, Spencer Denning, Alli Burnett VR Exposure Therapy by Evan Andrews, Colin Gordon, Collin Seiffert Physical […]


Self-Projection by John Moody and Federico Burch Zen and the Art of Car Maintenance by Evan Andrews, Kay Leigh Farley, and Colin Gordon Immersive Psychotherapy by Methew Hurley, Kevan Loney, and Thomas Storey Artificial Audience by Cindy Lessard, Kaitlyn Becker, and Collin Seiffert Cornered by Bradley Hlavinka and Parker Anigian The Grid: Cityscape by Spencer […]

VIST405 Fall 2012, Blogs

Andrews, Evan Joseph Anigian, Gregg Parker Becker, Kaitlyn Cheri Burch, Federico Burnett, Alli Ross Benton Currey, Ivan Alexander Denning, Spencer Phillip Farley, Katherine Leigh Gordon, Colin Scott Hlavinka, Bradley Joseph Hurley, Matthew Robert Jewell, Gary M (Martin) Lessard, Cynthia M Li, Xiao (Kevin) Loney, Kevan Doyle Moody, John William Seiffert, Collin Ray Storey, Thomas Russell […]

Immersion Definition

Oxford English Dictionary 1. Dipping or plunging into water or other liquid, and tranf. into other things. 2. transf. and fig. Absorption in some condition, action, interest, etc. Slater and Usoh describe the term “immersion” as a description of a technology, which can be achieved to varying degrees. They separate immersion from presence by noting […]

Technical Resources_Tangible Visualization (VIST206, Spring2012)

Basic Electronics Techniques http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Main/ElectroInfoResources Soldering tutorial Electronics Club Physical Computing ITP Physical Computing Adafruit Tutorials Code, Circuits & Construction Arduino meets Processing Arduino Arduino Arduino Playground Arduino Tutorial Modekit : Graphical programming environment for microcontrollers Lilypad: Leah Buechley’s tutorial Fritzing Sensors Sensor Report at ITP 3-axis accelerometer GSR Actuators Servo Motor Control with an Arduino Muscle […]

Example project for Tangible Visualization (VIST206, Spring 2012)

Wearables Visual (Light) Tornado Dress (2007), Studio SubTela Aurelia  Pants on Fire Ukule(LED) Visual (Movement) Envella  Parasite Shy with me Sound Sound of Warmth KnemeDrume Wearable Piano Interface Kinesthetics PointLocus PaceMaker Installation Visual (Light) Filling DigitalDawn by Loop.ph, 2000 Firefly by Jason Kruman Zygote Balls by Alex Beim Visual (Movement) Shutters by Marcelo Coelho Hylozoic […]

Interactive Narratives_Examples

VIST206, Spring 2012 Interactive Video http://redhotchilipeppers.com/news/301-look-around-interactive-video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUIu6_eTkjY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPGhqQ9vZPM Interesting Interface http://ecodazoo.com/ http://okaydave.com/ http://www.gotmilk.com http://www.firstborn.com/websites/sunnyville/ http://demo.fb.se/e/if/badluck/site/ http://ge.ecomagination.com/smartgrid/#/landing_page http://testtube.nfb.ca/#/testtube http://www.collapsus.com/experience.php more examples from http://www.nfb.ca http://www.interactivenarratives.org/