
Phenomenological Research Methodology

To investigate the sense of immersion created by an artist, along with the inextricable and varied experiences that the participants have and describe, I have identified a research method: Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s existential phenomenology as followed by Francisco Varela. Phenomenology, in Merleau-Ponty’s interpretation of it, is a philosophical view. Its aim is to put out of […]

Biofeedback_Interactive Art/Design

Title : Engagement and Immersion Research in Interactive Art Environment: exploring subjective and physiological data based on different visual cues

Aesthetics of Immersive Experience

As an interactive artist and researcher, I am interested in the phenomenon of immersion created from physical interactions within interactive environments. I acknowledge immersion as a primary aesthetic phenomenon not just because it is created within artistic environments, but because the experience of attending is fundamental to our senses, realized through bodily interaction in its wholeness, […]

Transparent /Organic Interface

We explore transparent/organic qualities of interface for interactive wearables and environments.Transparent Interface exposes some of the inner structure that allows us to experience aesthetics of electronic circuit. It also connects users and actual electronic components directly. Transparent interface also implicates flexible, innocent, direct, intuitive. Organic Interface Projects Organic Origami Light : Tessella (Blog) Related Research Areas Interactive Wearables […]

Immersive Environments

I investigated experiential properties of the immersive phenomenon, by creating alternative immersive environments, entitled nite_aura and Light Strings. These art-works integrate physical materials (such as textural fabrics and illuminated fiber optics) with computational/electronic components (such as soft-circuits, sensors, cameras and computers). I also created conventional immersive environments: Concave screen, Dome, etc. Projects Sky Reverie by Jinsil Seo nite_aura […]


Research Interests Wearing Light (Kinesthetic Experience) Tangible/Flexible Light Light Therapy 3D Kinetic Light Display Tangible / Flexible Light We have been researching on origami(tessellation) structures with light. Origami has great potentials for tangibility. It invites users to touch, reshape, play with it. We embedded surface mounted LEDs in the structure. Therefore the structure itself can be used for […]

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